Benoit Foucher

Tennis Footwork video corse Benoit Foucher

Tennis Footwork Drills to Move Like a Pro on the Court (Video Course)

The Main Issues in Tennis Training at High Level For having been on the Junior Tennis Tour the last 3 years, I’ve realized a few important things about tennis training: most players and coaches train in the same manner all year long!.. as a consequence, everyone knows how to serve then hit hard from the […]

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Ready For Your Battle

Introduction Tennis competition oftentimes bring strong emotions, sometimes positives ones, often challenging ones. Maybe you, too have had the desire to break your racket, have yelled like a mad man, or kept blaming everything and everyone around (the guy is so lucky/ you don’t feel anything). Maybe you became too agressive (and made many mistakes),

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stage Benoit Foucher tennis performance haut niveau mental

Ready For Your Match

A workshop with Lioudmila Skavronskaia & Benoit Foucher 21-22 Oct 2019 at Sévrier, France (near Annecy) I can honestly say I’ve put more than 25 years of my own struggles, researches, certifications, and most important training, mine and those I’ve coached, into what you can learn in these 2 days. I don’t promise that at

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