
Melchior Delloye Arthur Fery Benoit Foucher

2018 Victories – 2019 Vision

Why Setting Up Real Victories You have goals in your sport, like getting a specific ranking in tennis, doing a marathon under a certain time, or finishing your first 100K trail. You may have personal skills you aim to develop in order to reach those goals, like Confidence to finish the points at the net, […]

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breathing respiration Benoit Foucher

How to Breathe In Tennis

Warning: breathing is a big deal. Which means if you are not careful, you might pay the consequences. Therefore, I share what I’ve learned here with you, at the same time I’m not responsible for you. You are. SO, be smart, and if what I suggest is not appropriate for you, don’t do it. Or

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Judd Biasotto

Dr Judd Biasotto: A True Champion

In the first episode of the upcoming Sportsmen’s Journey Podcast, I explain my definition of Champion: someone who not only dedicates his life for peak performance, and also to inspire, to represent values such as ethic, generosity. All in all to inspire others to be their best. One of the best persons I believe illustrates

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