
coach farmer

Coach-Farmer and Becoming Antifragile

In October last year (2021), my wife Elena and I gave back the keys of our beautiful rented house near Annecy, France. 4 years after we came back from Hong Kong to land in France and it was time to move on…to a nomadic life style! Today I’m going to explain the current idea of […]

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Teenagers: Breathing Exercises for Anxiety and Performance | Portia Mead

Here is an interview with Portia, yoga teacher and breath coach. From a thyroid condition and doctors telling her she won’t be able to live normally anymore, Portia started a journey that lead her to heal through yoga. More recently, she used the challenge of her first marathon to dive this time into the power

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Melchior Delloye Arthur Fery Benoit Foucher

2018 Victories – 2019 Vision

Why Setting Up Real Victories You have goals in your sport, like getting a specific ranking in tennis, doing a marathon under a certain time, or finishing your first 100K trail. You may have personal skills you aim to develop in order to reach those goals, like Confidence to finish the points at the net,

2018 Victories – 2019 Vision Read More »

breathing respiration Benoit Foucher

How to Breathe In Tennis

Warning: breathing is a big deal. Which means if you are not careful, you might pay the consequences. Therefore, I share what I’ve learned here with you, at the same time I’m not responsible for you. You are. SO, be smart, and if what I suggest is not appropriate for you, don’t do it. Or

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