My Intentions For 2015

“Once a man has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest strength in the world behind him. It’s something we call heart power. Once a man has made this commitment, nothing will stop him short of success.”

Vince Lombardi

New Year, soon new Chinese New Year (bye bye the Horse, the Sheep is arriving soon), are you ready to rock?! In any case, for my part I’m full of  new bold Intentions! 

To make them happening, I thought: “Ok Benoit, if you want to achieve all these things, you need to proceed differently”. So this is why I’m going to express here WHAT I intend I create in 2015, because I know the power of commitment towards others.

My Intentions About My work

  • Writing Lone Wolf. It’s an autobiography book about my awakening and how I became at peace with myself (well, most of the time:)). Past lives, overcoming limiting beliefs and patterns are in the plan!Benoit Wolf


  • Co-writing FlowTennis. With another great coach, we’re going to create a new concept to teach people tennis the way it makes sense for us. Fluidity of movement, performance and well-being, as well as interviews of successful people who manage to either teach or be themselves in this Flow. Super exciting.
  • Coaching Crazy men. It might seem weird, and I’ve realised recently that in order to achieve what I believe is necessary to heal our planet, we need more crazy people. I know this well because I’m one of them (!), and now I’m looking for this specific category of men to coach. Fun and meaningful!Crazy man picture


  • Developing further my platform for Men’s Successes. In parrallel to my coaching program, my intention is for any man to have plenty of resources and examples of success, that are not all conventional and in the same way.

I have started to interview successful men last year (listen on iTunes from my podcast or watch on Youtube from my blog).

NOW, I’m developing Themes and therefore will interview other men and experts in their respecting fields.

For instance, starting from end January:  the Flow (tennis and business), Inner Peace and World Peace (already made an awesome interview related to Education as well), and Unconventional Lives (the goal of this one is to show how amazingly different we could live on this planet)

  • Finally, I also continue to coach successful tennis teenagers here in Hong Kong. For having suffered from this topic in my tennis career and seeing so many struggling with the same issue, the mental side of the game, I enjoy fully giving back to a few selected young Champions, helping them to play at the crossroad of maximal performance and optimal well-being.

My Intentions About My Personal Life:

These, besides the last one, are all for my inner world.

  • I intend I am grateful and thrilled everyday for living this life and all the rich experiences it gives me, especially with my wife and families (of blood and of choice).
  • I intend I am living the depth of my truth, and having the courage to reveal all of who I am, to myself and to others. This means to dare showing up fully, with authenticity and vulnerability, expressing what I want, think and feel all the my truth Benoit Foucher picture


  • I intend I am compassionate with myself and especially for all these times I feel I’ve fucked up once again, so that I can respond to others in a respectful and compassionate way rather than reacting, and coming back to a peaceful place very quickly.
  • I intend I drive my dream motorbike, Triumph Bonneville (update: I bought it!). Yeah!

My dream motorbike

All in all, I intend I am myself, fully myself, so that others could also allow themselves to be inspired and inspiring in their own ways.

About my health and fitness

  • I intend I have even more energy, continuing my treatment to clear my allergies and my self-education to know what works the best for me. I’m exploring the Bullet Proof diet these days, reintroducing a bit of top quality animal proteins in my nutrition for instance.
  • I intend I improve my fitness qualities, such as maximal aerobic speed, lean body mass and agility (I want to do one hand hand stand in less than 2 years).


Ok, this is a lot! Which means to me I need to be organised. I’m learning a lot these days on this theme, with the help of my coach and my best friend, and this is part of my intention so here is the summary of the summary of what I’m learning:

having a Master Task List Manager, meaning a place where I write down all the tasks coming up for the different projects

placing in my calendar when I do what. Might seem so simple, and yet, I was not doing this, which means important stuff was not done consistently. One important task= one place in the agenda with a date and time!shareasimage-2


– continue to improve my daily habit rituals, with moments I’m meditating, I’m creating content, I’m communicating my new offers and I’m doing what nourishes me (fitness, social life).


This is it for now!

And you, what’s your intentions for 2015?

Are you focused enough?Staying in Focus

Are they bold enough?


Do they correspond to who you are and the best you can be and do?

You can tell them in the comment thread below, or telling them to me by email. Why? For the same reason that when we tell others what we want, we are now committed. And this, makes the whole difference in all our achievements.

In any case, I wish to each of us all the success that we wish and intend, for 2015.

With gratitude and thrill, yeah!
