You have a sport’s goal.
You train as hard as you can to make it happen.
When you compete you realize you are not able to express as best as usual.
So you train harder.
And yet, still not perform as best as you wish…
I’ve been in this vicious cycle many times in my tennis career.
I still see many athletes making the same mistake.
The issue? In this equation we haven’t trained what is considered by many the most important: our mindset, how to deal with our fears and emotions, and the precious skill that unleash what we know we can do: ou CONFIDENCE.
Learn How To Train Your Confidence
I’m talking about all of this in my new book The Confidence Journey.
11 lessons that I’ve found very important to build this resources that we all need, especially when we have big dreams to achieve.
Here is the Confidence Journey video trailer:

And here is the link to buy the book on Amazon (English version).
Once you read the book, I’m happy to discuss with you about what you’ve found helpful to build your Confidence, your comments, feedbacks and questions are all very welcomed.
To Help Others
It is said we cannot help people who are not willing to be helped. Having said this, I believe The Confidence Journey is a great gift for those who are eager to evolve.
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