Success – Crisis – NEW SUCCESS! Andrew Ferebee from KnowledgeForMen – Interview #2

Have you ever thought about quitting your job to do what you’d love to do?

How about  jumping into the unknown, even though you’re not sure about the direction you’re going to take?

In this interview today, I’ve had the pleasure to talk about this topic with Andrew Ferebee, founder of  and KnowledgeForMen podcast.

Only 26 years old, and yet, Andrew has already launched and built a  successful internet business (in just one year of work) where he inspires men, through his products, coaching and podcast, to take action for their lives. Quite good for quitting a career he “was supposed to follow”!

My favorite moments:

  • the surprising Japanese definition of Crisis
  • the signs Andrew followed that showed him it was time to quit
  • his new definition of success, taken from Bob Dylan
  • his advises for transformation and growth and why it is important when we create a new career
  • his  recipe to face his fears
  • the difference between a boy (even in adult body) and a man


What I’ve learned from Andrew:

Listening to him, I’ve gained confidence that me too, I can launch a successful online business and coaching. It’s a step by step process and when we follow what we’re supposed to follow (I fully agree with the signs he talked about), we live our success on a daily basis!

Also, as I mentioned to him that I wanted to inspire men to love and support themselves more, he recommended to me an awesome book that has helped me to be even more clear with myself ( I’ll talk more on this essential topic soon).

The book to read, because if we are not our supporter #1 in our lives, it’s impossible to be fulfilled:
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

E-Course for Being Success-FULL

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Now, if you too want to jump into a new career or a new you to create the success you envision, have a look to the e-course Being The Man You WIsh To Be .

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