Ep #7: Merrin Pearse, Ecopreneur & Possibilist!

Success-Crisis-New Success Merrin Pearse Interview

What If?

Because this morning I find it emotionally difficult to write after the slaughter that just happened in Paris at Charlie Hebdo.

Because this interview is based on the idea that we all create our own personal and global world.

Because one of my best friend is considering to do a world Tour entitled “What If”.

It seems appropriate after all to start this post, and this year as well, by asking this single question to ourselves: What If?


What if the life we live at the moment doesn’t make sense?

What if the world we live in sometimes, many times, doesn’t make more sense either?

What if we feel challenged to change, to move in another direction, and to change for good our “bad” habits?


Well, let’s dive in this interview of Merrin Pearse then. Because this is what he seems to care the most beyond his investment for an environmentally friendly world.

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What About Merrin..?

Merrin is an Ecopreneur and what he calls himself a Possibilist, so you’re going to hear all about possibilities, from his example to YOUR example, to change your life.

Here are some points of this interview:

  • How Merrin used pain as a vector to change his path
  • How he found his truth in the silence of Antartica
  • How he found his guidance from one project to the other, one awareness to the other, finding his strengths, his passions and his contribution
  • His best ways to find his path to success: use of profiles and great personal questions
  • The importance of choosing what YOU want, not your parents, and moving away from home
  • The Rocking Chair Test!
  • Clarity always becomes more clear!
  • What each of us can do to face the pollution issue
  • Why organic is not always good for our planet
  • The advertisement clue to know whether a product is good for us!
  • How you can simply start your “career” in environment

Listen to the Interview


What If…And You?

Whether you listen or watch this interview at the beginning of 2015 or later, it’s always the moment to reinvent yourself and your world.

And better start with a simple question-action:

What if you were to change ONE thing this year, what would this be?

Feel free to share your response, I’ll be happy to comment too.