Benoit Foucher

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… The benefits of Breathing Exercises

Why bother doing breathing exercises?

I’m sharing my thoughts about the importance of breathing exercises, especially if:
– you are anxious
– easily upset
– afraid of some situations
– difficulties to focus
– lack of flow in sport
For all of these there are breathing exercises that can help!

You can find all the best exercises that I have gathered the last 7 years from the best teachers on this topic in my course Breathwork course:
In English:

En Français:

All my content:
All my products/ coaching/ books/ online courses:

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… The benefits of Breathing Exercises Read More »

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… The place of Breathing Exercises in Yoga

In this video I share my thoughts about the place of breathing practice in yoga (also called pranayama). It used to be more important than the movements (asana), while nowadays it’s the opposite…

For more details about my breathwork course:
In English:

En Français:

All my content:
All my products/ coaching/ books/ online courses:

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… The place of Breathing Exercises in Yoga Read More »

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Breathing Exercise for Stress and Anxiety

Portia Mead instructs us Box Breathing, a technique to reduce stress and being focused, almost instantly.
Watch the full interview about Teenagers, Breathing Exercises for Anxiety and Performance here:

I have created an onlie video course with the best breathing exercises that I can find from the teachers I have followed the last 7 years.
The video course is here:

All the links and subscribe to my blog for peak performance resources:

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Breathing Exercise for Stress and Anxiety Read More »

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Teenagers: Breathing Exercises for Anxiety and Performance | Portia Mead

Breathwork online course with the best breathing techniques I have gathered:
1: Breathing exercises for optimal breathing
2: Breathing exercises for anxiety (stress)
3: Breathing exercises for athletic performances
4: Breathing exercises for health (immune system)
5: Breathing in tennis

The online course is here:

Here is an interview with Portia Mead, Yoga instructor and Breath Coach.
We dive into the topic of breathing, especially when you’re a teenager, and how you can reduce your anxiety and stress, and how you could also improve your mental and physical performances.

00:00 depression and physical struggles that lead Portia to become yoga teachers then breath coach
04:40 struggles and challenges of being a teenager
07:30 meditation at school, the issues with current education not related to real life
08:55 what can you gain from breathing exercises
10:15 improvements you can measure when you improve your breath
11:30 continuous practice
12:30 the differences between pranayama (yoga breathing exercises) and Oxygen Advantage methods.
14:24 the first exercise to do regularly
17:24 the issues breathing through your mouth
19:03 breathing exercise for performance athletes
20:20 any issue with breathing exercises?
21:19 snoring
22:45 BOLT test
23:20 books to start with
25:10 Portia’s links

All the links and subscribe to my blog to be Strong, Liberated and Connected::

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Teenagers: Breathing Exercises for Anxiety and Performance | Portia Mead Read More »

sur ma chaîne Youtube… Advanced Serve Tennis Drill: Disguise

I ve learned this drill from Guillaume Peyre when he was coaching Marcos Baghdatis. He told me he learned it from Bob Brett when he was coaching Boris Becker. So, this is not a new drill!

The goal is to have the same toss all the time so that your opponent cannot read it.



Video course to improve your tennis footwork:

sur ma chaîne Youtube… Advanced Serve Tennis Drill: Disguise Read More »

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Very advanced tennis footwork drills with Arthur Fery and Gareth Shelbourne

Most of tennis players don’t need any of these exercises. Actually, it could be dangerous.
Each of them has a specific purpose to improve Arthur’s footwork. Just sharing to give you ideas of what you might do once you master the basics, which is the hardest thing to do!

If you are really keen to do the drills shown in the video, be sure that first you can squat at least 1.5 times your body weight. Then, that you can do one leg squats. If you can do both, it might be ok to do them.

In any case, I recommend to 95% of people who want to master the foundations of footwork to check out my footwork video course:

You will know the drills that you can do at home.
You will understand where to recover on the court.
You will do less effort for more results.
And you will see better the game.

If you are keen to follow my work online, perform better in your sport an especially in tennis:

To know more about Gareth’ Shelbourne awesome coaching:

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Very advanced tennis footwork drills with Arthur Fery and Gareth Shelbourne Read More »

sur ma chaîne Youtube… 4 breathing exercises to gain confidence

To understand this video, please go to this article and you’ll understand the importance of nose breathing, among other things, for confidence.

Also, to go further:
– attend Pavel Tsatsouline Strongfirst’s seminar Second Wind, or online course Second Wind Express
– read The Oxygen Advantage, by Patrick Mc Keon

sur ma chaîne Youtube… 4 breathing exercises to gain confidence Read More »

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Comment bien respirer: Jean-François Lopez, coach Buteyko & Oxygen Advantage

Cours en ligne avec les meilleures techniques de respiration, créé par Benoit Foucher:
1: Exercices pour mieux respirer
2: Exercices respiration stress
3: Exercices respiration santé et système immuniatire
4: Exercices respiration performances sportives
5: Respiration au Tennis

Le cours Maîtrise Ta Respiration:


Lien vers l’article d’origine de cette vidéo:

Entretien avec Jean-François Lopez sur le thème de la respiration et comment aller plus loin.

Mon article précédent sur la respiration et la confiance:
Pour mieux respirer au tennis:

Pour aller directement sur les sujets qui vous intéressent, cliquez ci-dessous:

0:00 Introduction, article 5 Techniques de respiration pour améliorer ta confiance
00:47 Origines de la méthode Buteyko avec l’asthme et problèmes d’hyperventilation
02:25 La méthode Oxygen Advantage en bref
03:06 Vraiment, besoin de mieux respirer?!?
07:58 Respiration et allergies, sommeil, énergie et migraines
10:29 Qui peut bénéficier de ce type d’entrainement de la respiration?
12:15 Pourquoi respirer plus n’apporte pas plus d’oxygène dans le sang: question de dose…
18:06 Taux de saturation sous 95 en temps normal = allo docteur
19:17 Entraînement respiration et amélioration performance: un exemple avec effet turbo
22:10 Autre bénéfice performance
24:30 Bénéfices au tennis
26:20 Est-ce qu’il y a une façon idéale de respirer?
29:10 Respiration tennis
31:00 Respiration fonctionnelle idéale en temps normal
32:20 Respiration non fonctionnelle
33:30 A quoi voit-on que quelqu’un respire bien?
34:23 Respiration pendant un footing: exploration du rythme idéal
40:50 Shallow breathing-respiration légère et entrainement hypercapnique pour réinitialiser le taux de CO2 dans le sang
48:45 Inconvénient à ne que pratiquer la respiration légère
52:40 Le test Bolt, pause de contrôle, ou apnée contrôlée
55:00 Analyse résultat du test: respiration fonctionnelle ou pas?
59:22 Zatopek et entrainement apnée
1:00:06 Dangers de l’entrainement respiration
1:03:06 Intérêts de la respiration Wim Hof
1:11:40 Cohérence cardiaque – resonance breathing – exercice cadence chez Oxygen Advantage: avantages et inconvénient
1:16:47 Exemple de sportif stressé et très occupé: résultats obtenus
1:21:40 contacter Jean-François pour travailler ta respiration

Pour s’entrainer avec Jean-François:

Sur ma chaîne Youtube… Comment bien respirer: Jean-François Lopez, coach Buteyko & Oxygen Advantage Read More »

sur ma chaîne Youtube… Un exercise tout simple pour améliorer ton jeu de jambes au tennis

Only slices on the short court.

It will naturally make you work on your split step rhythm, your observation of what your opponent is doing, and your quality of first step to go to the ball. Enjoy!

If you re interested in improving your footwork in tennis, here is my online video course, at the price of your choice:

sur ma chaîne Youtube… Un exercise tout simple pour améliorer ton jeu de jambes au tennis Read More »