sur ma chaîne Youtube… Mobility training triathlon

This routine is advised to be done Before your running or biking.
Could be done in less than 10 min.
Great to prepare your body.
Great for performance.
And for injury prevention

Foam roller:
– interior legs (adductors): put the roller 45 degrees angle
– front (quads): when you find a spot at 7/10 difficulty, stay here and move your leg
– side (IT band): relax!
– calves

– Downward Facing dog calves warm up
– Lunge back leg straight: move back and forth to warm up hip flexor)
– Forward Bend: bend your knees to mobilise more your lower back. Variation interlace fingers behind your back palms together then pull your hands as high as possible
– side stretch: catch one elbow inhale, exhale pull opposite side
– wide leg forward bend
– prying squats deep
– balance exercise (foot flexed up, knee at 90 degrees, back leg straight) then lunge
– kick butt without moving then with moving, 1 leg at a time
– legs straight kick forward
– calves raises with eccentric work
– active pigeon