sur ma chaîne Youtube… Tennis workshop: Ready For Your Battle (2019 video clip)

27-29 Dec 2019: Ready For Your Battle, workshop with Lioudmila Jardini Skavronskaia & Benoit Foucher.

While our first course is about developing your potential and play as good in matches than in practice, this one is about what to do when things don’t work.

Key word: #courage

Courage to calm down in between the points vs getting upset
Courage to install your breathing during the points vs holding it
Courage to move better vs frenzy mode or paralysis
Courage to look for solutions vs remaining emotional
Courage to encourage yourself vs giving up

We’ve now set up the basis of your mindset training. When you apply this, you got what’s necessary to be a top performer.

And now is the time for the courage to integrate all these tools.

Keep going guys, thanks Lioudmila and Elena for helping me.

Congratulations to Eliot, Ronan, Sebastien and Gatien for your efforts.

Step by step