The Confidence Journey, book by Benoit Foucher

The Confidence Journey

My New Book: The Confidence Journey, is now available on Amazon.

–> If you wish to purchase it, click here.

–> If you’d rather wish to know why I wrote this book, and what it might give to you, read on!

August 2016:

A few days before my 1st Kettlebells certification in Budapest, Hungary, I sat down on a bench in a park to jet down the key notes I had learned the 6 previous months. When I read what I wrote, what I thought would be titles of blog posts “transformed” into a great book idea…

2 years later, following a path that lead me to collaborate with many people, here is the book that gather, in my mind, the spirit and the best techniques to build this precious resource I believe we all need.

Who Does Need Confidence?

When you dare to ask yourself the BIG questions like: what’s my sport’s dream (or any other dream)? What’s my goal? …

…comes automatically the voice within: “Can I do it?”

You see, whether it is to lift the heaviest weight, to climb a new summit, to beat this impressive tennis player or to break this record, we all need mental resources that match these performances.

For the last 30 years I’ve been near tennis courts around the world, I’ve met so many talented players, particularly in France where we like “le beau jeu” (we can translate this into the “aesthetic game”)…and most of these same players, despite their technical prowess, haven’t been able to exploit their potential.

Said differently, we come back to the chorus: “I don’t understand, when I train I play so much better!” 

To be clear: I have been one of those players and the reason I was not able to win as many times as my level suggested I could do, is that I was not training in the right manner.

How Do You Train?

I have invested many (many many) hours hitting balls. Many others to train my fitness…

…And so few to check, to gauge, to analyse then to train what was going on inside my brain. If I had had more honesty, less ego, and more courage, I would have asked myself the right questions like:

– how can I do to handle the pressure and my fears for the upcoming tournament?

– how can I be focused and relaxed at the same time?

how do Champions do and what can I emulate from them?

By the way, I you have the idea that Champions achieve big results because they are different, you are partly right.

My training, and the training of those I had the honour to coach, have shown me that yes, true, Champions have something different than others, and no, this is not in their genes: this is something they have trained and developed. Some kinds of muscles others have not taken the time to do.

The good news: you, too can learn and develop this Confidence.

What You Will Find In The Confidence Journey

I will not pretend that you will find ALL these answers and then TADA!, by reading the book your Confidence will be here now and forever.

On the other hand, I would say that you will find recipes that I have gathered and that seem essential to me when we are on the path of peak performance.

Things like:

–> How can we train in order to be Confident, here, right now (chapter 2).

–>The difference of mental state that makes all the difference for our development (chapter 3).

–> How to organize our Confidence routines (chapter 5)

–> How can we utilize our emotions at our advantage (chapter 8)

–> Confidence when nothing is working!  (chapter 9)

Your Journey

This book aims to open doors.

Then the most important, it that YOU figure out what works for you.

That you learn the lessons that works for you specifically.

Step by step, on your journey towards your best performances and your dreams.

What The First Readers Say

Benoit Foucher not only teaches us how to find our resources, he also stimulates them in order for them to grow and express themselves naturally.

A bit spiritual, this book gives us the necessary height for this (re)newly found confidence to take place within a dynamic that brings meaning and respect within each of us.

Everything is ingeniously reunited for magic to happen within us.

Habib Jardini, Mind Coach

About confidence, I’ve realized it’s like an open-source software: it is free and it is available to anybody, you just need to find it and make use of it to fine-tune your skills and achieve your dreams.

Jean-Noel Payer, tennis player

It’s like having Benoit talking to you directly. The tone of this book is unique for that. You can feel Benoit’s presence.

[…] This book will give you a taste of what powerful coaching is. It’s a journey to confidence through tennis competition with practical advices.

Alexis Santin – Tennis Tactique

A fabulous guide, especially for the boys.

Ernest Lau, PTR professional coach at Wah Yan College,Hong kong

I love the practical and humble way that Benoit Foucher delivers some simple and yet deeply insightful messages about building confidence. This is a great book for anyone who wants to step into the lifelong journey of building confidence through sport and through everything else in life.

 Amazon customer

Link To Buy The Book

Direction Amazon.

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