Ep #11: Being In The Flow, Secrets Of World Record Holder Jerome Lacorte

This interview is in French. For English translation, check the video on my website www.benoitfoucher.com/jerome

Watch The Interview Here (With English Subtitles)

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Listen To The Interview (In French)

This is the first interview in the series Being In The Flow.

15-16 Nov 2014: Jerome Lacorte broke the World Guiness Book record of number of matches played in a row. 33 matches starting from 7am on Saturday morning to 3pm on Sunday afternoon!

Yes, it’s crazy, and it’s a good reason I wanted to interview him (of course!).

Why to do such thing?!? For a charity here in Hong Kong: Sports For Hope Foundation

The second reason is that I was the first one to play against him on Saturday at 7am, and when I came back the day after, not only he was still on the court, but running everywhere, doing drop shots and serving relaxed like Roger Federer!

“He’s in the flow!”, I was thinking. How fascinating.

This interview is light and fun!

I ask him questions related to this performance state, why he did this record, and he responds in his easy going way.

Fun seems to be the key word from this interview and it’s worth watching for all those of us who attend to do big and crazy things in our lives!

Also note that this interview, as well as the following ones on the same topic of Being in The Flow, will be transcribed in the book I’m currently co-writing, Flow Tennis, explaining my method to get top performance and well-being at the same time.


picture Benoit Jerome Dimitri